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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Need answers? Large range of questions and answers. Hopefully everything you need to know? More questions? Contact us and we will answer.

These answers are generally in regard to using the product on cars and bikes as a removable coating. This is our primary use. If you have a specific question, use the contact us and we will answer and also add it to this list. Slowly we will have all the answers!

Does Plasti Dip really Peel? Yes of course it does! Applied properly, to a clean, prepared, non porous surface. Correct application and coats and you will have no problems. You will only have issues if you do not follow instructions or cut corners

Does Plasti Dip damage the original paint? No. Assuming correct application procedure is followed, and the original paint was in good condition, then zero damage will have occured. The original paint will have actually been protected from the elements.

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